
Master of 艺术 in Rehabilitation Counseling

Do you want to make a difference in the lives of those with disabilities? UNC的康复 咨询计划将为您提供快速加入的教育和培训 增长领域. You will graduate as a rehabilitation 辅导员, qualified to help people deal with the personal, social, psychological, medical and vocational effects of disabilities. 博天堂官方提供唯一的CACREP认证的康复咨询研究生课程 在科罗拉多州. 2023年,美国将成为全球最大的经济体.S. 博天堂官方网站 & World Report ranked UNC's program #13 of the best rehabilitation counseling programs in the country.

You will receive specialized training in:

  • Social, psychological and medical aspects of disabilities
  • Vocational assessment and job placement of people with disabilities
  • Rehabilitation counseling theories and techniques
  • Improving the quality of life for people with disabilities
  • Evaluating research in the field of human rehabilitation


“2012年,就在毕业几天后,我开始从事康复咨询工作. 博天堂官方的康复咨询项目通过互动建立了基本知识 learning and research that helped me to be successful in the workforce. 通过两个 在这个项目的几年里,我学会了如何转变我帮助别人的热情 into a career choice in an exciting and rewarding field.”
大卫Herbstman, Rehab Counseling 2012


完成这个60学分的课程后,您将获得康复认证 咨询师(CRC),也有资格获得专业咨询师(LPC)的执照。. 学生通常在两个学年完成这个学位,包括一个夏天. 该项目独特的混合形式允许学生在校内和/或校外完成课程 online, and students can complete the degree completely remotely, if needed. 在 在2022-2023学年,有5名学生从该项目毕业,100%为北卡大学毕业生 通过注册康复咨询师(CRC)考试,就业率高 积极找工作的毕业生的保留率达到100%, and 100% of students successfully completed the program. Students completed the program 平均是2.5年.

来自不同背景、拥有社会学本科学位的学生, 护理、语言治疗、人类服务和刑事司法等领域表现良好 在这个节目中. In addition to coursework, you will participate in supervised clinical 作为实习的一部分,与个人和他们的家庭一起工作的经验 实习.

Program Requirements and Courses in the UNC 目录


预计从2021年开始,康复咨询师的就业将增长11% 到2031年,比所有职业的平均水平都要快得多,具有恢复性 needs of groups, such as veterans and people with disabilities. UNC的康复 辅导员s have historically been avidly recruited regionally and nationally. 


  • State rehabilitation agencies
  • 心理健康中心
  • 学校
  • 保险公司
  • 医院
  • Independent-living centers
  • Correctional facilities
  • 私人诊所

的 Learning Experience

小班教学和一对一指导和监督的机会是 two of the aspects of the program that contributes to student success. 这个项目 目前有29名学生,平均每个学生毕业8名 一年. 这个项目 includes participation in a supervised practicum and off-campus 实习 with a community service agency. Students have completed 实习 活动 在科罗拉多职业康复部,退伍军人管理局,巴约 Enterprises, to name a few.

你将参加每周的监督会议以及专业发展 活动. This experience provides you with an opportunity to apply the theoretical 在你的学术课程中学到的概念和技能,并补充这些知识 with practical experience. 的 supervised 实习 allows you to make the transition 从大学环境到实际工作环境,因此更切合实际 职业生涯.


“实习经历对新康复者的成功至关重要,是无价的 辅导员. I am still referring back to my 实习的经验 as I have grown in 这个职业. 的 structure of the classes and the relationships with the professors also promote success for all students. I like that I am really making a difference and I can see the positive outcomes. In my job I get to see my clients in the beginning of their process and the struggles they may be having. At the end I get to see my clients lives changed for the better.”
凯利迪特尔, Rehab Counseling 2012

Program 任务 and Objectives


该大学康复咨询硕士学位课程的目标 北科罗拉多大学的目标是为研究生提供知识、技能和技能 作为康复咨询专业人员所必需的经验.


该计划的使命是在康复领域教育硕士生 帮助和支持残疾人或慢性病患者的咨询 充分发挥潜力,实现有意义的就业,并充分融入社会. 在这样做的过程中,该计划的重点是鼓励学生追求终身承诺 学习,批判性思维能力,创造性地解决问题,并欣赏 of the skills and abilities of individuals with disabilities.


  • Develop an understanding of 影响康复咨询的社会心理、文化和多样性问题
  • Demonstrate ethical behavior and ethical problem-solving skills.
  • 评估环境中的障碍以及由此产生的社会和经济影响 barriers for individuals with disabilities.
  • 有效地运用咨询理论和技术为残障人士服务 慢性疾病.
  • 掌握探究方法,对学科有更深的了解.
  • 利用目前的研究来改善对残疾人的服务 慢性疾病.
  • 掌握康复咨询、职业生涯所需的知识和技能 evaluation, and/or advanced scholarly work.



所有攻读康复咨询硕士学位的研究生必须 complete an off-campus 实习的经验. Obtain an 实习 manual from Dr. 艾琳莫泽 它描述了康复实习项目的理念和目标, 政策和程序,以及提交的表格、记录和报告.

在课堂和实践中获得的知识将在学习过程中得到综合 实习的经验. In conjunction with the synthesis and evaluation of knowledge, 这次实习的主要目的是帮助学生申请和个性化 this wide variety of information. At the successful completion of the academic program and the 实习, the student should be able to function as a professional.

的 student, the agency, and the university all benefit from this experience. 的 机构专业人员和大学教师必须共同努力,如果这种经验是 被最大化. Every professional should be interested in the recruitment and professional preparation of talented future practitioners. 的 实习 is one area in which 所有这些都为培养未来的领导者做出了宝贵的贡献 in Rehabilitation Counseling.

这一经历为学生提供了应用理论的机会 在学术课程中学到的概念和技能,并补充这些知识 with practical experience. 的 supervised 实习 allows the student to make the 从大学环境过渡到实际工作环境,从而适应 more realistically to the professional life he/she is about to enter.

Admission and Enrollment (Matriculation) Requirements

You must hold a bachelor’s degree with a GPA of at least 3.0 in the last 60 semester hours of the most recently completed degree. 这个项目 uses a rolling admissions process with applications reviewed as they are received. In addition to the academic 要求,学生要有帮助人的愿望,想和人一起工作, 以开放的心态看待人和问题,思维敏捷 resourceful and very importantly, be willing to challenge themselves.

康复咨询专业的研究生需要遵循研究生院的规定 enrollment requirements, which can be found in the graduate catalog. 注册5学分的全日制研究生被认为是半日制 when registered for 9 credits.

