



The 国家高等教育本土领导力研究所 (NINLHE) mission is to affect change in higher education in the United States and Canada in ways that improve the experiences and educational outcomes of American Indian, 阿拉斯加土著, 本土的夏威夷, 和土著学生.

NINLHE works to enhance the professional development of Native and non-Native higher education professionals to improve Native student recruitment, 留校率和毕业率.  通过加强这些人的能力, 谁对本土学生的成功至关重要, 提倡与文化相适应的做法, NINLHE improves the educational training and experiences of Native students, as well as the professional environment for staff and faculty across the United States and Canada.  作为其他专业协会的同行, NINLHE will use our collective expertise and influence to provide leadership to the national higher education community.


Our 年度研究所 provides culturally relevant and evidence based professional development in areas that enhance the knowledge of Native and non-Native administrators, faculty, 以及与土著学生群体合作的专业人员. 

NINLHE’s 管理委员会 is comprised predominantly of Native higher education professionals from public and private colleges and universities.



Our bylaws 是身份证明文件. Who we are, what we stand for, and how we do things should be readily apparent to all who read them. Our bylaws 求你管理我们的行为,以及我们后来者的行为. 他们需要被提醒, 就像我们有时做的那样, that the decisions we make on behalf of 这个组织 reach beyond us to the next seven generations.

In founding 这个组织, we seek nothing less than to change institutions of higher learning into places where Native people can pursue their educational goals while keeping their cultural identities intact. We recognize that we cannot succeed by doing the same things in the same way and expecting different results. We call upon the wisdom of our ancestors and our elders to guide us along a new path. Our strength is in our difference and this difference has been the key to our survival. 我们的独特性是我们送给别人的礼物.

我们的组织 是一个多层的网络吗. 我们每个人都代表着各自的机构. Yet, like the strands of a web, we are connected and our futures are similarly intertwined. What impacts one of us has consequences for all of us for the hurt of one is the hurt of all. 一个人的荣誉就是所有人的荣誉.

作为管理委员会 对于这个组织,我们肯定领导人是为人民服务的. 人比物更重要. 人比时间更重要. 本组织的每一个成员都有权在安理会发言. Wisdom comes from many sources and good counsel is welcome no matter who offers it. 领导人不行使权力. 他们对人民负有神圣的责任.

We value 我们的决策达成共识,就像我们的祖先一样. 我们开诚布公地交流. 时间不能决定我们做决定的速度. 我们要等到大家都明白了行动方针. A good decision is one that helps some, if not all of the people, and hurts no one. 如果一个决定只对别人有利而对我们不利, 但对我们没有伤害, 那我们必须让它实现. 我们并不相互竞争. It is not important to be “the first” or “the only,” but to ensure that there is enough for all.

We conduct 我们自己和我们彼此之间的关系都很好. 我们知道那些能让我们幸福的事情. 我们在所有事情上都观察到适度和平衡. 我们知道那些会导致自我毁灭的事情. 在这个圈子里,我们戒除酒精和其他毒品.

We pledge 我们肩负起这一神圣的责任.


Karen Francis-Begay博士.D.

Karen Francis-Begay博士.D.



独立学者 & 高等教育顾问





Vice Chair

高等教育副教授, 沃森教育学院, 博天堂官方威尔明顿分校


Timothy Ecklund博士.D.

Timothy Ecklund博士.D.



Geni Cowan Ph.D.

Geni Cowan Ph.D.




Professor, 教育研究生及专业研究学系, 加州州立大学, Sacramento




博天堂官方副主任 & 达特茅斯学院土著/土著外展协调员


奥古斯丁·麦卡弗里,埃德. D.

奥古斯丁·麦卡弗里,埃德. D.


Past Chair
Senior Academic Program Specialist, The Graduate School, 华盛顿大学 (Retired)
Greg Graves

Greg Graves


Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and Associate Director, Dean for Community Engagement & 多样性,斯坦福大学





Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, The University Texas System



NINLHE was founded in 1993 and established as a s a 501(c)(3) corporation by Dr. Colleen Larimore和Dr. Jim Larimore, the former directors of the Native American programs at 达特茅斯学院 and 斯坦福大学. 在英特尔基金会的资助下, NINLHE最初是一项战略, self-help coalition of a dozen directors from the most successful Native student retention programs in the country. Though the directors faced nearly identical challenges on respective home campuses, at that time, 他们各自独立工作. They realized that by working together they could do much to help themselves, 引申开来, 所有的学生. 通过NINLHE这个组织走到一起, it offered the opportunity to expand the impact to effect much needed change in Native education practice and policy at the institutional and national levels as well.


NINLHE’s success as a national professional higher education organization since its inception has been achieved through the support of several philanthropic organizations. 这些包括:



NINLHE, NAIC, ISAN暑期学院. 2022年7月25-29日博天堂官方威尔明顿分校

超过25年了, NINLHE has brought together higher education professionals dedicated to the success of Native American, 阿拉斯加土著, 本土的夏威夷, 第一民族和所有来自大学的土著学生, 北美和太平洋地区的大学和组织. NINLHE在土著教育活动的日历上是独一无二的. 故意设计成“非会议”,” NINLHE is instead a shared experience that offers participants the rare opportunity to learn about and share best practices, network with colleagues from peer institutions and strategize for the continued improvement of higher education opportunities for Native Peoples. 同时, participants share cultural and personal experiences that offer affirmation, 同事关系, 个人更新与发展. NINLHE makes limited space available each year in order to ensure that the experience is as relevant and interactive as possible and we encourage all attendees to participate fully.

Most participants choose to stay on-campus during the Institute as well, saving monetary costs while adding a phenomenal element of personal connection and enjoyment. NINLHE seeks nothing less than to transform the landscape of higher education for Indigenous Peoples and has always been a special combination of both professional development and personal renewal.

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