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Associate Professor

地理、地理信息系统、 & 可持续性
College of Humanities & 社会科学

Contact Information

(970) 351-1565
On sabbatical for Spring 2024 semester
University of Northern Colorado
Department of 地理、地理信息系统、 & 可持续性
格里利市,有限公司 80639


Professional/Academic Experience

研究/Areas of Interest

Natural Resource Management

Under the umbrella of natural resource management, my research focuses on evaluating stakeholder decision-making 和 management strategies, applying the behavioral economic 和 management theories of Common Pool 资源 和 Adaptive Management to Non-Timber Forest Products 和 Ecosystem Services. My research asks what contextual characteristics 和 policy or management strategies influence or correlate with natural resource management 活动. I use remote sensing 和 GIS techniques to describe l和 use 和 l和 cover changes 和 qualitative interview analysis to assess market chain interactions 和动机. To explain environmental impacts 和 responses to policy 和 management decisions, I combine social 和 natural science data in variable importance 和 causal 推理模型


With funding from the National Science Foundation program called Improving Undergraduate 干教育 (IUSE), I am leading a research team in developing an assessment tool for teaching 和 learning complex concepts related to the Food-Energy-Water Nexus. Specifically, we apply an established machine learning method of evaluating constructed response (short answer) questions to create a Next Generation Concept Inventory (NGCI). This new approach to concept inventory construction creates a new set of constructed-response items 和 associated automated scoring models focused on the complex systems typically addressed in environmental programs.

Publications/Creative Works

幕,C.L.吉尔摩,M.P.; Endress.A.霍恩,C. 2022. Maurita flexuosa fruit production increases with increasing palm height in the Peruvian AmazonPlants, People, Planet, 1-6. http://doi.org/10.1002 / ppp3.10299 

幕,C. L.波斯纳,S.考辛斯,S.公平,公平. H.贝内特,D。. E., Huber-Stearns H.理查兹, R.I., McDonald, R. I. (2018). Global state 和 potential scope of investments in watershed services for large cities.Nature communications, 9(1), 4375.

邻居,K. E., C. L. 罗幕. 2017. Social norms: more details, please. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. doi: 10.1073 / pnas.1704451114

Huber-Stearns H.贝内特,D.理查兹,R., 幕,C.考辛斯,S.霍伊尔,J. 2017.Social-Ecological Enabling Conditions for 环境 Policies: A Review of Current Dialogues with an Illustrative Focus on Payments for Ecosystem Services. Ecology 和 Society. 22(1):18. http://doi.org/10.5751/ES-08979-220118

Virapongse,.; Endress.A.吉尔摩,M.P.霍恩,C. 和 C. 罗幕. 2017. Ecology, livelihoods, management of the Mauritia flexuosa palm in South America. Global Ecology 和 Conservation, 10, pp.70-92.

纳尔逊,我.格拉西莫娃,D.萨马拉斯,A.布兰德,L.哈马森,M.凯斯特,M., 幕,C.巴蒂斯蒂尼,A.克罗威尔,A.埃里克森,R. 尤厄尔先生.2016年7月. Implementation of interactive teaching strategies across STEM disciplines. 在创新 在教学 & Learning Conference Proceedings (卷. 8, p. 2).

Schwebach J.R.格拉西莫娃,D.路德,D。.A.Verhoeven, A.B.加州戴维斯市.Gostel, M., 幕,C.Schreffler, L.谢谢耶,P.纳尔逊,J.K. 2016.Advancing 研究生 教育 和 教师 Development with Discipline Based 教育 研究 和 the SIMPLE Framework: Design Memos in Biology for Active Teaching. 雅典J. 的教育


AESS Early Career Award 2021
